During the past few months I have been working on a story written by the amazing Kristen Tracy (http://www.kristentracy.com). I really love her work!
She wrote a story called "We are different" and I have been drawing animals since then. I thought it will be fun to share a bit of the process here.
I got a lot of inspiration from the books of James Herriot and the British countryside.

And the Sorolla Museum in Madrid, which I visited this summer. I keep on learning from it, every time I go there.
After the character explorations, I created the character page:

I worked on a chase spread of the book:
and this is the final art (before cropping it and adding the text) :)

I also created a second spread which I will share in the next post.
Thank you all for being there, I know there is not a lot of people watching this space, but welcome to my little corner on the internet where I could share a bit behind the scenes of everything.